Apprenticeship Programmes Resources

If you need information, advice and guidance on apprenticeships, you can find it here. If you have any questions, we’re here  to help so please get in touch with any enquiries. 


Funding Rules for Employers

This document outlines guidance set by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) regarding funding guidance employers need to know about apprenticeships.


Guide to Apprenticeships

A quick reference guide from the National Apprenticeships Service about what an apprenticeship is and how to apply.


Levy Support Unit

A quick reference guide on how we support levy-paying employers and an overview of our apprenticeships.


Levy Transfer Guide

This employer guide will give you further information on how apprenticeship levy transfers work, the digital apprenticeship service and how we can support you with transferring your levy.


Short courses for SMEs in Greater Manchester

If you’re an SME in Greater Manchester, you can find more information on short courses which may be available to you funded by the European Social Fund (ESF).


Short Courses for SMEs in Lancashire

If you are an SME employer in Lancashire, you can find more information on short courses which may be available to you funded by the European Social Fund (ESF).