How We Are Safeguarding Our Learners at Total People

Recruit, Recognise, Record, Reporting, Respond & Review.

How do Total People safeguard their learners?

As a learner you can be assured that staff have been fully trained in recognising and responding to safeguarding issues. We understand that talking about a concern is not always easy, especially if this is with someone who you are not so familiar with.  We want to make this an easy process whereby staff are approachable and as a result are able to support learners in order to prevent harm and keep them safe.  The following are ways in which a safeguarding concern can be reported: 

  • You can record the fact that you want to talk to someone on the safeguarding website by completing a simple form which is shown as the “Learner Concern Form.”   
  • You can talk to your Learning Mentor, who will have been trained in how to respond and record safeguarding matters and can raise a concern on your behalf.  Your Learning Mentor will submit the information confidentially via the “Staff Concern Form” 
  • You can email the safeguarding team, or contact one of the designated safeguarding leads whose contact number is on the posters displayed in all classrooms.   

All information submitted will be treated as confidential and will only be accessible to those people who are supporting you. 

The 6Rs 

Total People have a safeguarding strategy with the 6R’s framework which is relevant to all learners: 

  • Recruit  
  • Recognise 
  • Record 
  • Reporting 
  • Respond 
  • Review

Recruitment of staff

Total People recruit all staff safely.  All employees working with learners will have a DBS check prior to taking up employment. References are also obtained from previous employers to ensure safe and relevant recruitment takes place. All the checks carried out are kept in a single central record which can be accessed by human resources staff. 

As part of their job description new staff are given a contract which contains their safeguarding responsibilities.  They also take part in induction training of which safeguarding is a part.  All new staff are introduced to the Safeguarding Team and receive regular updates from them via monthly newsletters.   


We train all of our staff to recognise the key signs of abuse:

  • Physical abuse
  • Emotional abuse
  • Sexual Abuse
  • Neglect
  • Bullying

Total People are committed to the Government’s PREVENT strategy. As a learner you will see that we embed British values in all of our courses. We aim to create safe spaces for learners to discuss sensitive issues and also have robust support mechanisms in place for those who might be vulnerable to radicalisation.  All Staff are trained in the dangers of radicalisation and extremism and are therefore able to recognize the signs and prevent situations from escalating.  Our safeguarding team have strong links with agencies who can provide relevant support. 

Staff are trained in all aspects of the PREVENT strategy. There are regular updates of current trends and patterns in safeguarding issued to all staff. 

We ask you to sign a learner agreement regarding appropriate use policies in place for internet use and procedures in place to monitor and restrict access to inappropriate websites. We also have strong anti-bullying and harassment policies covering behaviour both on and off our premises. 


Total People confidentially record concerns and will make sure that only those staff who need to know will be informed of any issues.


Total People have well developed links with other support agencies and will be able to help you over a range of issues. We have clear and visible policies regarding information sharing, to ensure that only relevant information is shared with our partners.


Staff are trained to respond sensitively to concerns. All learner and staff concerns have the welfare of the person being paramount. Confidentiality is key, and breaches can be treated as a disciplinary matter.


Total People’s safeguarding policy is reviewed annually and there are regular meetings to ensure that key people are kept up to date with current trends. The safeguarding team meet regularly to review ongoing concerns and discuss any learning points. 

Our Values

As an organisation, we share a common set of values across everything we do these are;

Icon with grey outline of two intersecting circles

We are honest, trustworthy and open.

One Team

We collaborate, respect each other and contribute to team goals.

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Always improving

We are forward-thinking, we innovate and take ownership.

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Can do

We are positive, inclusive, flexible and proactive.

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We take a long-term view; environmentally, financially and socially.

These values help to define who we are and how we behave and are linked to British values:

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Respect & Tolerence

A culture built upon freedom and equality, where everyone is aware of their rights and responsibilities.

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Individual liberty

Understanding that we all don’t share the same beliefs and values. Respecting the values, ideas and beliefs of others whilst not imposing our own others.

Green tick mark

Rule of Law

The need for rules to make a happy, safe and secure environment to live and work.

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Protection of your rights and the right of others you work with.

Total People have a dedicated team trained to support the designated safeguard lead

Sophie Hayes

Teaching and Learning Manager / Organisational Lead for Safeguarding

07796 993960 Email Now

Imtiaz Kala

Designated Safeguarding Lead 

07971 659802 Email Now

Simone Healey

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

0161 674 7667 Email Now

Leanne Shaw

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)

07966 515814 Email Now

Steve Stringer

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) 

07563 374103 Email Now

Prevent Single Point of Contact

Imtiaz Kala

07971 659802 Email Now


Additional Welfare Support

At Total People we take the welfare of our learners very seriously. Learners are supported by coaches and any concerns are recorded on our secure welfare system that allows the Designated Safeguard Leads and managers to monitor your welfare. Please also view some key national organisations that may be able to assist you with regard to your welfare.

Every local authority will provide social care services for children and adults, as well as mental health services. Contact your local authority or NHS provision for this information. Learners should feel assured that systems and policies are in place to keep them safe from harm. If any learner has any concerns they should be able to raise them with the learning coach.